Since bursting on to the midwestern music scene with the band High and Lonesome in 1992, David Zollo has had a busy career. Along with constant touring, in the U.S and Europe, with High and Lonesome (1992-1998;) and his current band, The Body Electric (1998-present) Zollo has recorded 7 records of his own material, including the most recent, 2015's "For Hire."
In addition, he founded and operated the seminal, Iowa-based, roots music label, Trailer
Records (Bo Ramsey; Joe and Vicki Price; Greg Brown; The Pines; Brother Trucker; Kelly
Parkeooper; Pieta Brown, as well as his own work, and that of others, from 1994-2005;) played keyboards and sang harmonies on many records by Nashville folk singer Todd Snider; fellow Iowan William Elliot Whitmore, and Greg Brown, amongst many other artists; and worked as a producer (The Pines; Brother Trucker; Kelly Pardekooper.) This year, he also formed a new band with Whitmore, guitarists Stephen Howard and Steve Doyle, and Body Electric drummer Brian Cooper, called Middle Western, which is currently finishing its debut release at Iowa City's Flat Black Studios.
Despite the many things Zollo has done during his career, it is as a live performer that many feel he's at his best. Check him out at a venue near you, or visit www.davezollo.com for a list of upcoming shows.